Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Love Comes Natural

I've had a chance to observe myself on this Christian journey and I've noticed that there is a direct correlation between my love for God and my love for people. Some reading may say, "Well duh, Phillip. Jesus makes this in clear His teachings." This is true but how many of us actually believe that if we are consistently lacking love for our brother, sister, or enemy it speaks volumes about where we are with God in that moment. 

Now I'm not saying that when the Christian is struggling to love it means that he or she isn't saved. But I do believe that in the moments we struggle to love, we are at the same time struggling to believe and abide in Him. I've found that when I'm truly seeking his face and killing my sin it's a lot easier to love people and be compassionate on individuals that I normally wouldn't think deserved my compassion. 

Do you remember what Jesus said in John 15? He tells us that if we abide in Him and He in us, then and only then are we able to bear fruit. So it's obvious that the two are connected, so much so that in that same chapter Jesus goes from teaching on abiding in Him to loving one another.

When I neglect the reading of scripture, prayer, meditation, and community my love for the world increases, love for Christ decreases, and love for people ceases. I've seen it happen over and over again. So I find myself using, manipulating, and neglecting individuals that I should love. The scariest part is that most can't even tell it's going on unless they really dig into me and ask questions because my actions can be very deceiving, to the point that sometimes I don't even realize what has manifested.

Why have I written this? Because I want to see Christians examine themselves instead of walking in deception and darkness. It is vital for us to see that when we do not love all men and have compassion on those who are considered low in our society, it speaks volumes about how much we really love God and if we actually love Him at all. We don’t get to choose whom we will love and whom we won’t. Jesus says love all. So if you’re a racist, bigot, or classist you’re saying something about your walk with Christ, if one even exists at all. Read the Gospels and listen carefully to Jesus’ words on love and how that same love was manifest among mankind. You should leave the Gospels realizing that you fall short on your best day (thank God for the Cross) but return to scripture constantly praying to be able to love like He did. Abide in Him and love will come natural. I hope you respond in a “Hands Up, Man Down” sort of way.

1 comment:

  1. I am in. Thank you for the word. Hands Up Man Down!
