Friday, October 14, 2011

Discerning God's Will & Divine Appointments

I wasn't planning on writing this blog today (most of my blog posts are sporadic), but "divine appointments" has been a recurring theme in my heart for some days now. One thing that every Christian struggles with is knowing God's will for their life. Being a recent college graduate, current seminary student, and part-time campus ministry intern, I hear this question more than anything. Young adults are stressed because they don't know what God's will is for them concerning careers, classes, marriage etc. Now I'm sure much can be said concerning this question, but instead of focusing all of my blog post on this question, I've decided to expose the sin that can SOMETIMES hide behind this question. This is a good question, but the motives behind it may be sinful and ultimately send the Christian into a spiral of self pity while at the same time robbing them of the discernment needed to answer the question.

The main problem with this question is the word "my" that lies within the question. Does God have individual plans and callings for individual people? Yes! Scripture is clear about this (1 Corinthians 12:27-31). But the biggest problem with the word "my" is that it can SOMETIMES reveal a selfish and sinful individualistic spirit that is so focused inwardly that it tends to neglect the opportunities for ministry that are surrounding you.

The Christian must be very careful. Christ said, " the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your your neighbor as yourself. On these commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets." (Matthew 22:37-39) These two commandments are great places to start when it comes to figuring out God's will for your life. But notice they are completely outward focused. The focus is God and other people, not you!

Now if we disobey this commandment I'm confident that we are in sin and therefore conforming to the world which, based on Romans 12:1-2, will prevent us from gaining discernment to discover the will of God. The passage says, "I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." When we are in unrepentant sin, we blind ourselves and therefore lack discerning eyes. Perhaps God's will is directly in front of your face, but you're so blinded by your sin and focused in yourself to see that will.

So readers, I challenge you to look at every person that you encounter and every place that you go as a divine appointment for your life. Learn to serve faithfully those in front of you wherever you are. S/O to all my singles! Don't allow yourself to be so consumed and obsessed with finding a mate, especially when it causes you to neglect opportunities to love God and the people in front of you. Perhaps, your love and service for God and people will be the quality that will attract your mate to you. Perhaps your selfish attitude is what is running potential spouses away. Love God and man, but hate sin!

So I want to hear from you guys. Any divine appointments lately? How has faithfully obeying the two great commandments impacted your life? Go!!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Lecrae (not LACRAE) and the B.E.T. Hip Hop Awards

If you're on Facebook or Twitter and especially if you're a friend or a follower, you've heard the buzz about Lecrae being on some type of Hip Hop Awards show on B.E.T. Many will hear about this and respond, "What's the big deal?" But there are a few of us who know how big of a deal this is and we're excited!

Why? I grew up watching B.E.T. and I know how big of an influence it is in the black community. Sadly it's not a good influence. It portrays the life of many professed believers in our community in it's viewing schedule. Monday-Saturday B.E.T plays all types of garbage that is not becoming of a Christian and then on Sunday it plays gospel music and preaching. See the pattern? Live how you want to live Monday-Saturday but on Sunday mornings go to church and you're good. B.E.T. has influenced our culture more than most realize. I'm not blaming the spiritual state of our culture completely on B.E.T., but I will say they are part of the problem along with the parents and the Church.

Nevertheless, it's a HUGE platform specifically in our community that desperately needs truth and last night Lecrae gave them a taste of truth by faithfully proclaiming Jesus in a way that was offensive (which means he did it right) without sacrificing beautiful art. Our culture who has repeatedly called Christian Rap corny, lame, silly, and wack are now exposed to a rapper who is a phenomenal artist but most importantly an excellent and faithful communicator of the true and offensive Gospel.

So are you are still thinking, "So what? A song won't change anyone." I would beg to differ. Lecrae and other artists in his camp are some of the first individuals to challenge my bible-belt Christianity. God used music to challenge and expose my doctrine, philosophy, worldview and lifestyle as faulty and sinful. Music shapes our WORLDVIEW! Even the people in the world realize this. One guy, in so many words, said this last night as he introduced Lupe Fiasco, a Muslim rapper.

Ultimately, Lecrae can only plant seeds but God must give the increase. Lecrae is simply a instrument in the Redeemers hands and I find comfort in this truth. I'm confident Lecrae will use this platform to point men and women to Jesus. I'm excited.

Did you miss the awards show? Watch Lecrae's cypher verse here:

BET Hip Hop Awards - Lecrae's Cypher

Want to know more about Lecrae? Watch his story here:
Lecrae - I Am Second