Thursday, July 21, 2011

#1 Killer of Black Americans in the USA (Pt. 2)

Here is yet another video that gives us some facts about abortion. Please think and reflect. Think about what is actually taking place in African American culture. I'm sure years from now people will be asking how did the masses let a tragedy like abortion take place for so long without ever addressing it.

The Bible called Paul a murderer for approving the stoning of Stephen and anyone who is pro-choice or passive about the matter of abortion is guilty of the same.

Monday, July 18, 2011

#1 Killer of Black Americans in the USA (Pt. 1)

I guess the old saying is true, "When you point a finger at a person, you always have three pointing back at you." Well America should be reminded of this.

With all the drama and anger surrounding the infamous Casey Anthony and her trial, I watch and wonder how many of her accusers and enemies are pro-abortion. I want to expose you guys to three short videos over the next three days concerning abortion, specifically in the black community. Take a look...

Also check out my friend Scott Moore's blog "The Rest of Sunday" and view his latest post on abortion.