About the Blog

"Hands Up, Man Down" is a blog that seeks to point men and women to a God who draws sinners and causes us to live a life of worship (Hands Up) while humbling us as well (Man Down). Throughout scripture we see men and women humbled at the sight of God, due to his beauty and their ugliness, and this humility leads them to worship because they see someone who is greater than themselves. But this act of worship isn't confined to a Musical worship service nor is it a one time experience, but it is in fact a lifestyle. So one purpose of this blog is to expose people to Jesus in hopes that they will see his beauty and their ugliness and respond in worship!

Another purpose of this blog is to simply be honest and open about my struggles and shortcomings while also discussing the evils of this world and the solution. Ultimately, I want to show that the solution to my problems and the world's is Jesus and also people who will put their "Hands up" (in worship) and themselves low in submission to the person and work of Christ!

I hope and pray that this blog challenges, rebukes and encourages it's readers by simply putting Christ on display. I want him to be pleased ultimately.

I've adopted a few principles for blogging from a good friend of mine, Scott Moore, who is an assistant pastor/church planter in Mobile, AL. You should check out his blog, The Rest of Sunday. Below are the principles I've adopted from him, but the explanations are yours truly.

1.  Gospel-Centered. My old campus minister, Chad Smith, taught me the importance and centrality of the Gospel as he mentored me throughout college. I began to realize that there wasn't an issue in my life that the Gospel didn't apply to. I once believed that the Gospel was simply my ticket to heaven and afterwards I was suppose to try and be the best person I could be. I didn't know that I could never out grow the Gospel. The Gospel is the meat of the word. It pushes me towards Jesus and I need it daily. The Gospel addresses all issues so there is nothing I can talk about in this blog that the Gospel doesn't speak to.

2.  Honest. I want to be open and honest about my own struggles. As I blog, I blog as someone who is in the midst of struggling with the very things I'm blogging about. So at the end of the day, I'm a hypocrite. Any Christian blogger who isn't a hypocrite is aiming way too low in his writings. There is no way that I can live up to all the things I intend to write about. But you better believe that I'm striving to, not because I'm trying to earn God's love because I already have it in Jesus. But because I'm trying to be a reflection of Him and His love. I want to be like my daddy.

3.  Socially Relevant. I don't want to just talk about issues such as the porn industry, racism, classism and other social issues but I want to be pro-active and move others to act as well.We live in a fallen world with people who have twisted worldviews concerning race, homosexuality, abortion, poor, and other issues. I want to address those issues with Gospel lenses.

4.  Concise. My buddy, Scott, has convinced me that concise is the best route. But this doesn't come easy. I want people to finish my posts in one sitting so I'm committed to making sure most post are 500 words or less. Sometimes this won't be possible but hopefully at least 80% of the posts will be 500 words or less.

5.  Giving. I want to supply individuals with biblical and spiritual truths and I want them to be changed by them. If people simply read my blog but their lives never changed, I wouldn't be satisfied. I want to see change in the world. That change will only happen if men and women are affected by the Gospel.